Turkina Ascendancy

Turkina Ascendancy
State Profile
Founding Year 3151
Dissolution year: March 3152
Capital world: Barcelona[1]
Controlled system(s): 3[1]

The Turkina Ascendancy was a short-lived proto-state in the Hinterlands.


In the aftermath of Clan Jade Falcon's defeat on Terra and the resulting power vacuum in their Occupation Zone. The lack of forces allowed rebel factions to appear and overthrow the Falcon's garrisons. The chaos turned the zone into the area known as the Hinterlands. But in some cases, Falcon warriors reunited and attempted to preserve his Clan's possessions. Barcelona was one of these.[2]

Star Colonel M'oko, commander of the Falcon solahma garrison on Barcelona, decided to establish his own state by late 3151. Calling it the Turkina Ascendancy, M'oko commanded Free Guilds vessels and recalled the understrength garrisons and sibkos from nearby systems to Barcelona assembled a Cluster's worth warriors from his own units plus garrison troops and sibko trainees from nearby systems.

Proving their ruthlessness, the forces leaving Barcelona set fire to all oil wells and refineries on the planet, almost rendering it uninhabitable.[1]

Aside from annexing Newtown Square and Somerset, M'oko had no chance to expand his proto-state further.[1][2] During Operation STAMPEDE, Clan Hells Horses forces were invading the area, and took the nearby systems, Black Earth, Beta VII and others without problems, facing no opposition... until they reached Barcelona. There, the half-strength Ranger Clusters were forced by a storm to land at the Atropos spaceport, on the southern continent of Moira, to later advance to the Norn continent, where it was the planetary capital of Skuld.[3]

Having tracked the Horses, the Falcon Cluster, now calling itself the Turkina Ascendancy Cluster, ambushed the Rangers' lead elements while they passed through a rain-drenched forest. They hammered the Horses' vehicles, which were unable to maneuver in the forest, forcing them to retreat. They found the way to their DropShips cut off by additional Ascendancy troops, the Military Academy of Somerset sibkos.[4]

Omega's leader, Galaxy Commander Julian Dewas was one of the previous casualties, but the next officer on line, Star Colonel Loretta Fletcher took the command of the Horses and ordered a breakthrough attempt at the land bridge held by the cadets. Though they showed admirably bravery, the cadets were unable to hold against seasoned troops, and their line broke, leaving the Horses escape.[4]

Though nearly matched, Horses and Ascendancy forces skirmished through Norn for several weeks, with the Falcons fading back to the forest when the tide of the battle turned against them. The change of weather in late February allowed Omega to bring its DropShips and aerospace assets into the fray. The Horses quickly established air superiority and harried the Ascendancy forces from above, coordinating with the ground forces, which began surrounding and destroying isolated Ascendancy elements. The final battle on Skuld, in early March, resulted in the destruction of Ascendancy forces, and the capitulation of Barcelona.

The Turkina Ascendancy died then, allowing the Horses to take the nearby world without opposition in March.[3]


  • Turkina Ascendancy Cluster (destroyed).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Tamar Rising, pp. 60–61: "The Turkina Ascendancy: Stillborn in the Nest"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Tamar Rising, p. 60
  3. 3.0 3.1 Tamar Rising, pp. 60–61
  4. 4.0 4.1 Tamar Rising, p. 61
