Boss Ito

Boss Ito


Boss Ito was the oyabun from the Hamagachi Clan in Solaris. He had started from the lowest position in the Clan, a Kabun, and worked his way up to the highest.

During his initial days as a Yakuza, he became acquainted with Vic Travers.

His clan was one of the most affected clans of Mister Yurei's skimming tactics, and when Vic Travers (as the Bounty Hunter) shared with him proof of his acts enough to punish him, he agreed to help him setting the ambush which ended with Szabian's Renegades. Boss Ito used his contacts with DeLon Stables so that in their last heist the gang ended up facing one company of DeLon Stables 'Mechs and another company of Yakuza 'Mechs, which shattered the gang.[1]


  1. "A Guy Walks Into a Bar on Solaris VII..."
