Dobrev (Individual JumpShip)

Vessel Profile


The Dobrev was a JumpShip (see Notes) found by mercenaries, who fought the Bounty Hunter and the Black Widow Company for it.

The derelict contained a Bull Shark and also the exclusive technology of the Coil-L, Coil-M, and Coil-S.[1]


The hunt for the Dobrev is part of the storyline of the Heavy Metal expansion for the 2018 BattleTech video game.

The game, and therefore its storyline, is apocryphal (see section about Canonicity in the game's article): It is expressly not included among the list of canonical sources for the BattleTech universe, but it has also been said that, unless and until contradicted, apocryphal information "can be assumed to be part of the shared universe if it makes sense".


  • The exact class and type of the Dobrev are not mentioned. In-game dialoge makes it clear that it has a KF drive and was derlicted in a misjump; imagery of the wreckage indicates a jump-capable vessel, with pylons for a jump sail clearly visible. The shape is reminiscent of an Invader class vessel (as depicted in the game) or similar standard JumpShip. While not impossible for a JumpShip, which by design is not meant to operate near a planetary body, to "crashland", this is a notably unlikely event. It is also thinkable that the Dobrev was a small WarShip of a class outwardly resembling a standard JumpShip, in a similar vein as the Tracker or Nightwing classes.
  • Dobrev is one of the Not-Named Clan's bloodnames.


  1. BattleTech (video game)
